Trust In My Journey In 2022

Trust In My Journey In 2022

About a month ago, a girlfriend of mine gifted me with this “TRUST” key. A friend of hers gave it to her while she was pregnant.

She decided to give me “TRUST” because I’m moving from the west coast to the east coast after living in Southern California for 39 years, a pretty huge change.

She told me I could keep it for as long as I need it, and when the the time is ready I can then gift it to someone that I feel may need it more than me.


Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc. of a person or thing; confidence.

Confident expectation of something; hope.

TRUST is one of the hardest things to do in life, right?

In a few days, I head out of San Diego. Though it will be difficult to leave my friends and family, I know they are just a phone call away. Good friends and family are like stars, you don’t have to see them to know they are there.

I choose to TRUST in my journey.

And when I see that someone else may need to be reminded to TRUST in their own life, I will pass it on.


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