
On February 15, 2016, I found out that I had miscarried my baby after ten weeks.

To some it may not see like it is a big deal, but to me, I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. We started trying to have a family right away. But it took a 3 years.

I found out I was pregnant in January, and was so overjoyed I could hardly stand it. I called my doctor, we did the math, and figured out I was about six weeks along when we found out. Every single person in my life seemed to be so happy for us. We went out on Valentine's Day and had a wonderful meal, and just talked about how excited we were. I remember walking in to the room with a smile all over my face, and the technician congratulating us as she walked in the room.

The next thing I knew there was no noise, no smiling, all I could hear was the sound of my breathing. When she said, how far along did you say you were? She looked at me and said I'm sorry but there is no heart beat. Everything around me seemed to be crumbling. I thought to myself, NO this can't be, we prayed so hard, we were doing everything right, what had gone wrong?

We went up to the doctor, she apologized and then got right down to what was going to happening to me and my body over the next few weeks. We live two hours from our doctor's office, and I cried the whole way home, and all through the rest of the night. I felt so alone, though my husband was great and ensured me that I wasn't.

It was a feeling like I had never felt before. I didn't know how I was going to get through this. Then my mom called me and said "I have something for you and I want you to have it before you leave".

I went to her house and she handed me a card, I opened it, and in she had quoted Isaiah 40:31. Along with the card was a Strength Giving Key. She told me to wear it until my Strength had been renewed, then I was to pass it on to someone else who needed it.

Monday, I found out one of my friends lost her baby at 33 weeks. I am giving it to her tonight.

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