My family and extended family are working to heal from a devastating accident last week. A precious 3 year old child lost a leg from a horrible riding lawnmower accident.
We are leaning hard on the Lord right now and asking for prayers for the precious boy and his incredible parents.
I learned of The Giving Keys story through my dear friend, Lauren Scruggs, who is also an inspiration to me right now. I remember seeing a post on Lo's Instagram quite a while back, and this morning while getting ready for work 'Buy Giving Keys' entered into my brain (words from the Lord for sure) so I obeyed and just bought two Giving Keys- one for my loving Aunt and one for the child's mother.
The words I chose are BELIEVE and BRAVE. May God give us all the strength to be brave and the strength to believe that He will make precious Byron WHOLE through His love and goodness and grace.