Embrace My Flaws

I found The Giving Keys through my church in AZ. It just so happened that our visiting worship leaders is Caitlin's husband. In looking on Instagram to find his album on iTunes, I came across her album and her movement! I feel in love with her song Flawz and decided to buy my first key..... BEAUTY!

I had my 3rd son at 38 and began to develop body image issues. It didn't help that my partner had an affair which scared me as I felt my body was a reason. He reassured me I was beautiful and that he too was struggling with lust.

After buying the key, I began to pray that I knew I was a beauty and that I should embrace my flaws willingly. I prayed this often while holding and rubbing my key. Over time, I began to actually believe my own words.

Fast forward about a year.... I joined a fitness challenge group at work which has been awesome. We post inspiration thoughts, share recipes, and help each other daily in supporting our healthy lifestyles. A friend headed out the door one day and a man was riding a bike shouted "you know it wouldn't hurt you to actually run" and gestured to her waist. With a heavy heart and defeated spirit, she put her headphones on and didn't walk just 30 min, but 40! When she posted it, I heard God say "you no longer need your key....she does"! I asked to meet her the next day. Before we met, I bowed my head and Thanked God. I prayed over the key in hope that any person that it belonged to looked first to God for affirmation and no where else.

The journey for me has been one of discovery. I am just the way God designed me to be. My body has carried life three times! That in and of itself is a miracle! I have 3 children that daily say I am their mommy and they love me just the way I am! The Giving Keys provides HOPE where some days there is little. 


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