Compassion for Humanity

I was given my key by an old friend last November. The word "HUMANITY" was etched on it, and my friend wrote that he had chosen this word for me as my primary focus is volunteerisn that engenders a change for good. I volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, the Komen Foundation, Houston Parrot Head Club, Camp Hope (PTSD Foundation), The Marine Mammel Stranding Network, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo...well, you get the picture.

I have chosen to give my key to the director of Camp Hope. This gentleman is not even a veteran, but he is tireless in his advocacy of the veterans in his care. His compassion and dedication to returning veterans afflicted with PTDS is nothing short of amazing. We will both be at a volunteer apprecation event tomorrow, and at that function, the key will be his.

I am so proud to have been the receipient of a Giving Key. I have given them to all my family and friends and am enjoying their stories as they pass the keys on. Thanks for a such a wonderful and inspirational product!

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