Example of Strength

Sometimes you get the rare opportunity to meet someone that truly changes how you feel about yourself. They see you in a way that no else has yet to see. They see you how you've always wanted to be, but you weren't sure how to make that happen. They have true strength in their lives and they share it freely and lovingly. This is the case for my friend Stephen.

We first met when he came to a training I was teaching. We've stayed in touch and we see each other a couple times a year at various classes. Through the time of me teaching and Stephen learning all there is to know about color, he's the one that taught me more. He loves so extravagantly, he supports me with unyielding grace and sees in the me someone that I want to be most like! My plan wasn't to give him my "Strength" key this weekend, but it was the perfect time.

We were listening to an incredible mentor of mine, Winn Claybaugh speak to the students of our Paul Mitchell school in New Orleans yesterday. From the words he chose, I realized I had my strength all along. Deep inside where I was constantly protecting it, I had the strength to smile freely and be open and love unconditionally those around me.

Stephen was my example of that strength and I knew he needed to know how he does that for the ones around him. In relationships you have soul mates, but I believe you do in friendships too. They're the ones that make you stronger with no expectation of anything in return. Except maybe a hug. Or a high five!

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