Grace Is Key

"Grace works that way…"

I wore my grace key for just a little over a year. It was a reminder for me to to be patient with things, with people, with life, and with myself… “give grace to everyone” I would say. Knowing the concept of paying it forward, I was finally moved to do so over the weekend I spent time with probably the most selfless and amazing person I know who is navigating maybe the most exciting time of her life and at the same time being a HUGE support to the most important people in her life. While being there for others including me and herself; life is about to change, hearts are going to hurt including hers. And yet her desire to be there for others regardless of what she is going through reminded me of this amazing quote by Bob Goff: “Grace works that way. It's a kind word from a gentle person with an impossible prayer. It's a force sometimes transmitted best hand to hand in a dark place.” So I passed my key to her because I know when the difficult feelings come, grace may be hard to give in the moment but while she wears it my prayer is that she will be reminded that GRACE IS KEY, she will be okay and she knows she is not alone because I will be here for here just as she has been here for me.

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