Believe In The Potential

Who and why I gave this key! Hi, my name is Sharyn Davis and this is who I gave my key to.
First lets start with the word that was printed on it. That word is "Believe". Secondly, I gave this key to my son Kris who has Aspergers and Anxiety Disorder. Kris is a very bright young man as most people with Aspergers are but he is very fearful of a lot of things including socialization. Just think about Sheldon in the "Big Bang Theory" and Dustin Hoffman in "Rain Man" and you'll get the picture.

When Kris entered into middle school and kids started to realize he was different and smart the bullying began. Kris is now 19 and very trusting. He thinks that everyone who smiles at him or speaks is his friend. So lots of times that leaves him vulnerable and the brunt of all jokes. Sadly, it's just him and I because his father was very abusive and after a couple of broken bones I left him. I've tried sheltering Kris for as long as possible but recently he discovered that I have a serious heart condition that will require my Aortic and Mitral Valves to be replaced. Kris has fixated on this issue and has went from a 3.8 Grade Point Average to academically failing his first year in College. I need him to "believe" in God even if I lose this battle, I need him to "believe" in himself and that somehow he won't be alone, and last but not least I need him to "believe" that he will attend school this fall even though he lost his Federal Funding and I'm on Disability. His major is Computer Science and he should "believe" that he will get his degree. This key has prompted him to start a web page on and is only around $700.00 away from his goal.

So this is my story and all I ask is for people to "BELIEVE" in him and who knows what can happen. Thanks for Reading and Believing!

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