She Will Find Love

I am giving this key to my sister. LOVE is engraved. My sister just went through a terrible break up. It wasn't a divorce but it might as well have been. She was sure that this man was the one for her and she gave him her entire heart. My sister has been through break-ups before and every time she repairs herself, picking up the broken pieces of her heart, gluing them together and giving them to the next guy. I though this pattern was finally broken, but now her heart has been shattered again and I know she fears it is for good this time.

I want my sister to find LOVE. She will find love. Someday she will find someone that loves her like she deserves to be and then she is one step closer to giving away this key. I also want my sister to know that she is loved by me and our family. We have been separated by thousands of miles for about a decade now, and it is sometimes easy to not see or feel the love that is there. On the back of the key is engraved Cleveland, Ohio. The place that we were born, raised and grew up together. It is an extra reminder to never forget that your family loves you and that we will always be there for you.

Finally, I want my sister to LOVE herself. I want her to realize what a courageous and wonderful person she is. She has taken risks in life and has not been afraid to jump in with both feet, in every endeavor of her life. She has failed and succeeded and is never afraid to forge ahead. She is strong, beautiful and worth it and she needs to know this. Before giving this key away, she also needs to love herself.

Sister, I love you with all my heart.
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