She's Not Alone

How do I began ? I first heard I heard of this website of one if my friends and I came on and read about the giving keys . I love the whole meaning about the keys . For I this I hold on to my strength and I purchase the key on a difficult moment of my life . The day I found out my brother was diagnosed with cancer and it was the longest wait and I was in need of strength and the key came in perfect timing . As I waited for my brother operation and results I held on to the key and prayed with all my heart that this diseased my brother had will go ahead and for my feet to stay on the ground. Thank god everything went well and we kept strong ! :) now I passes this keys to a woman who needs it , she gives those strength by motivating others and make woman believe they are worthy . She's been down on and off for two years and although she smiles in front of the media & social network . I want her to have this keys so she can be reminded she is the true definition of "strength " and she's not alone .
  • Kerri L. Streeter x The Giving Keys #Strength

    Kerri L. Streeter x The Giving Keys #Strength

    I have Gifted a Giving Key With the word STRENGTH My Story I struggled for a very long time, financially, emotionally, and mentally. I lost my brother to suicide in 2015,...

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  • Kayla x The Giving Keys #Malta

    Kayla x The Giving Keys #Malta

    I have Gifted a Giving Key With the word MALTA My Story When I was eighteen I moved out of my parents house, started school, and began many new chapters; by...

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