All That Lies Ahead

An amazing young woman turned 21 years old today!! We are so proud to be her mamas! ]

We found The Giving Keys on a recent trip to Los Angeles and knew immediately that DREAM was the key for Hannah. She has been stepping into her dreams since she was a wee girl and just seems to get braver with every passing year. As a junior at the University of Washington she is studying Public Health. She has already had the opportunity to travel to impoverished countries to offer aide and hopes to make a career of this assistance. We want to support her dreams in whatever size and shape they come in, and this key is a reminder of all that lies ahead. xoxo



  • Tina Sebastian x The Giving Keys #Strength

    Tina Sebastian x The Giving Keys #Strength

    I have Received a Giving Key With the word STRENGTH My Story I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in January of 2018. Living with this mass on the...

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  • Abi’ x The Giving Keys #Grace

    Abi’ x The Giving Keys #Grace

    I have Gifted a Giving Key With the word GRACE My Story I was leaving for a getaway for the first time in 11 years with my, new graduate from...

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