If Anyone Needs It, It Is Them

I have been praying about starting a MOPS group at our church. God finally opened the door after a year and a half of saying "wait". I signed up, and anxiously awaited the arrival of my kit. I signed up on a Saturday. On the following Wednesday, my uncle had a massive stroke. This man is the very first person who introduced me to Jesus. He has been left permanently paralyzed on his right side. He is blind in his right eye. His brain is bleeding. It continues to swell, and is increasing his chances of another stroke that will either leave him even more disabled, or dead. My aunt is facing this by his side. My kit arrived today. I also found out today that they will be removing part of his skull tomorrow in order to relieve the pressure that is building up from the swelling. If ANYONE needs this "COURAGE" key right now, it is them. I am sending it in the mail, as I live 14 hours away from them. I do not know what will have come to pass by the time that it arrives. I do not know if he will have gone through the most crucial part of recovery, and will need the encouragement of taking courage in the Lord. I do not know if He will be with Jesus and my aunt will be needing the courage to face life without her husband of MANY years by her side. I don't know. Part of me wants to cling to this key, because I need courage to face the journey of whatever is coming.

This amazing man spent his last HEALTHY day sitting in a hospital with another aunt of mine while she received her first aggressive chemotherapy treatment after being diagnosed with stage 4 non-hodgkins lymphoma. He played cards with her and was just completely selfless. He lost his father four weeks ago, and two weeks after that his mother passed away.

Thank you for the gift of being able to send a little courage their way.
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