How Much The Key Meant To Me
For the past four months I have been traveling around the world on a floating university called Semester at Sea. I have been to 15 countries, over 30 cities, I have taken countless buses, trains and planes and I have met numerous people. I bought the key "Inspire" because I knew over the course of my semester I would be continuously inspired. Everyone I looked bred inspiration for a lifestyle change or a new goal in life. I expected to give away my key to a local that I met along the way. What I didn't expect is to meet someone on the ship with me that would change me so much for the better. Rilla and Elsa are roommates, one from Boston and one from Idaho. Two of the funniest girls I have ever met with the best outlook on life. They laugh at themselves, are conscious of others feelings, are constantly working to better themselves and are just a good time. They've inspired me to be more curious, more accepting and more myself than ever before. On the last day of our 108 day voyage I went to their room and gave them both the key (unfortunately I only had the one so I will be buying another to give to one). It was an emotional moment because they knew how much the key meant to me, how through every country I was hoping to find the person that I just knew needed that key and it was right in front of me the whole time.