Love Of A Sister

Yesterday was my sister, Renee's, 28th birthday. She and I have had a rough year- probably our toughest yet. Her best friend passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at the end of April and I miscarried my first pregnancy in May. In the months since her friend's passing, I have watched Renee struggle to cope with her loss. I have struggled with the same thing- anyone who has experienced a loss, whether sudden or expected, knows this pain. We seem to ask ourselves the same inevitable questions "Why me?", "Will it always hurt this bad?", "Will I ever feel normal again?". Eventually, in our own time, we all find a way to cope with our pain and get back to some sort of normal life. Perhaps the hardest part of this whole experience for me has been watching the spark that Renee once had disappear. It has been replaced by a quiet sadness. I miss Renee's joyful, carefree spirit...but I know it's still in there somewhere and it will come back in time.

I came across the Giving Keys while searching for a birthday gift for Renee and knew immediately that this would be the perfect gift! I chose the BELIEVE key. I am giving it to Renee because I want her to find that magical spark once again. I want her to know that even though life isn't always fair, it is still good. I want her to remember that her friend will always be with her, no matter how much time passes- a beautiful guardian angel that watches over her and protects her as she moves through life. Most importantly, I want Renee to smile and laugh and have fun again- I want her to enjoy every moment of her life and face new challenges and experiences with the humour, bravery and determination that she has always had.

Even though this past year didn't turn out the way either of us had anticipated, I want Renee to BELIEVE again- in herself, in life, in love, and in happiness. Sometime down the road, once that spark has returned and she is feeling strong enough, my hope is that Renee will give her necklace to someone else who could use a little strength and encouragement during a difficult time.

I love you sister.
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