Judy's Faith

I work with a firecracker of a lady named Judy. She is a tiny little thing, but full of life in spite of her numerous health problems over many years. Several years ago, Judy fell coming down the stairs at work. She had massive breaks in her leg, requiring surgery and a metal plate. Fast forward to 2014 - Judy was diagnosed with liver cancer and was in desperate need of a transplant. I thought of Judy when I saw the giving keys at the IF conference. I got her a FAITH key, as I wanted to remind her that God has a plan for her and that He has promised to never leave nor forsake her. As Judy went through the numerous steps to be approved for a liver transplant, the doctors were unable to perform an MRI because of the metal plate in her leg. After being on the transplant list just two weeks, Judy received "the call." A liver was available! Judy had the transplant, and the transplant team were absolutely shocked at how bad her liver was. Without the MRI, they were not able to really see. The transplant surgeon told Judy that, had they done the MRI and discovered how bad her liver really was, she would no longer have been eligible for a transplant and would have had only six months to live. When she told us, we all laughed - and cried. We could see how God was working those years before through a very painful accident to protect her now. Judy is doing very well after her transplant, and we are so thankful for God's provision for her. BUT .... that's not where the story ends. When I gave Judy her FAITH key, I told her the story behind The Giving Keys and how, when she felt it was time to pay it forward, she should give the key to someone she knew needed it and would be blessed by it. Yesterday, sweet Judy walked into my office, holding out her key in her little hand, and said, "Now it's your turn." You see, I have had some very painful health issues for the last nine months or so. I think Judy saw that I was getting very discouraged, and SHE wanted to remind ME that God has a plan for me. I never thought the story would come full circle, but I am now wearing the key to remind myself (and others) that our faith lies not in ourselves, not even in the health care professionals, or in anyone or anything but the redeeming, pursuing love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
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    Shelby Le Marquand x The Giving Keys #Fearless

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