I Had An Ah-Ha Moment

I received this key from my parents a year or so ago and have worn it often. Wondering to whom will I give this key. I have seen many people who needed "Strength" but have never felt it was the right time. I just got an email from one of my childhood friends last week that after suffering from a 10 year eating disorder she will finally be going to a rehab center for 3 months to try to fight this disease. She left on Friday and I have been wanting to send her a care package. However, finding the right thing to send in a care package are very hard. I read blogs from people who have been at these rehab centers and they said the one thing I wanted was to just know my friends were thinking about me and rooting for me. I wondered how could I show her this with something besides just a note. Which is when I had an ah-ha moment, the Giving Key that was hanging in my closet. I will be sending it to her in the rehab center today and I hope that it reminds her how strong she is for taking control of her life and not letting this disease control her anymore. I hope it brings her strength in her times of weakness.
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