It Happened So Fast

I have never heard of “The giving key” until one day leaving my Aunts house. She stopped me leaving. She said here I have something for you. I looked at it, did not know why I needed a key to her house. So I read the card a day later. She is fighting for over 5 years now triple negative breast cancer, and knows I am struggling in life. I just lost my mother a year ago now to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She was only diagnosed in February of 2014 and passed suddenly in April of 2014. So we didn't really get to say our good byes. It happened so fast. I am only 29 years old and losing my best friend was the worst thing that could have ever happened. I have two precious, perfect little girls, one which her father walked out of her life a year ago, (February to be exact) due to drugs and she is only 7. So explaining to her it was not her fault was a nightmare and still is a struggle. I just finished up my SECOND divorce. Yes, Second! So, saying I’m depressed would be an understatement. I wouldn't change the struggle of managing every dollar for those two little girls. I am very thankful for the people I have in my life. I don’t have or let many people in my life. I am struggling with trusting people, not that I didn't already have trust issues as it is. I will be attending “hangar service” Saturday. I’m pretty excited about it. It is church in an airplane hangar. With all of that being said, I do already adore someone but he seems to be having a lot of struggles in life himself. With that being said he will get the key next….
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    Kerri L. Streeter x The Giving Keys #Strength

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    Kayla x The Giving Keys #Malta

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