This Was A Difficult Decision

I received a COURAGE key as a part of my MOPS welcome package this year. I knew right away who it was for but I didn't think the timing was right to pass it on just yet. I gave it to my friend Tracy for her birthday in March. She is one of the most courageous women I know. She is a widowed-single-mom of three kids. In November she gave up twin boys in an open adoption. The adoptive parents couldn't be more blessed. This was a difficult decision but one she knew she had to make to give them the best life they deserve. I am so proud of her for choosing to give them life. She is working on drug recovery and presently finishing a jail sentence. She is pushing through with God's help to overcome her addictions and dealing with painful past hurts. I see she is becoming a new person as she allows the Spirit to come alive in her life. She is one who is overcoming big obstacles. Her courage is inspiring.
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