This Was Huge For Me

Hello, I just finished up my first year of college at a school in Trinity University, and just wanted to tell you guys that I just received the key from my family friends that live in Florida, and that I have only been wearing it for 8 hours, but it is already making me feel more calm. I got the key that has PEACE on it and this was huge for me because of the fact that I was in a car at night with 5 friends and the driver lost control and drove very fast into a concrete bridge pier. This is why I needed the peace because I barely survived that, and I also lost my best friend in accident, and attempting to get through that has been very difficult and I have really had a struggle with everything, from sleeping to being okay with God and what happened to our group of friends. Luckily now after 6 weeks I was released from the hospital, and am back home with my very loving family and just attempting to get done with all of the outpatient rehab that is going to be taking place all summer long and after that I should be as close as back to normal as possible! Thank you again to all of you people for caring and I hope that I will be able to continue to update you on my illness and situation.
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