Work Best Friend

Four years ago, I embarked on a new path within my company. At the time the promotion was offered to me, my new boss asked if I would be her new “work best friend.” I of course said “Yes - Absolutely!” I had been working hard for years and now was finally my time! I was ready for this! And while part of me couldn’t wait for the change, the other part of me hung up the phone and called my mom in tears because I knew I had to move away. (Technically the office was only 128 miles from my home and everything I knew and loved. However at the time, I felt I like was moving to the moon.) Throughout the night and those weeks leading up to my move, the words “work best friend” kept playing through my mind. What did that mean to her? I didn’t know her at all - What would she be like? How could I show her that I was committed to her and the organization? Did I want to be her “work best friend?” My thoughts ran wild and my fears ran deep.

Turns out -“Work Best Friend” are now three of my favorite words ever placed together in a sentence. In August of 2011, an incredible person, woman, partner, and friend, took a chance on me. And for that, I can never thank her enough.

I’d like to introduce the world to Pam Runnells. To say Pam is a tremendous person is an understatement. Pam is simply and truly an inspiration. It is rare in life to find people that impact you to the degree in which Pam has inspired me. Pam is the type of person that you look up to and desire to be better simply because of who she is. She is caring. She is honest. She is genuine. She is giving. She never gives up on you and does whatever she can to instill greatness in you. Professionally, she has shown me what true leadership is all about. She works hard and is committed to the office and our team. People follow her because they want to, not because they have to. Pam leads with her heart and ensures everyone knows why they are important to the team and overall outcome. Personally, Pam has inspired me to be a better person. I am in awe of her giving nature. She finds ways to touch the hearts of not only everyone she knows, but also of complete strangers. If Pam can help, Pam will help.  

I gave Pam an “inspire” key because the time has come for me to return home. “INSPIRE” is the epitome of Pam Runnells. I am blessed to have gotten to know her and to be able to call her my friend. I didn’t know what a “work best friend” looked like a few years ago. But I do now. A “work best friend” is someone who you can count on. It is someone who you know has your back and your best interests at heart all the time. It is someone who pushes you and drives you. It is someone who sees your potential and continues to make sure you see it yourself. It is someone who shares in your successes and leads you back to a brighter path when you hit a bump. It is someone who puts others in front of themselves and genuinely makes it her life passion to serve. It is someone who gives it her all and doesn’t stop until she reaches her goals. It is Pam Runnells.  

Pam - You pay your blessings and talents forward every day. I hope you find someone in life that inspires you as much as you have inspired me. 

~ Your "Work Best Friend", Moira
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