It's Never Too Late

I give my "BELIEVE" key to you, Sandi, too open your soul.

Coming from a small coal mining the city some 65 years ago was a big choice for me not to mention scary! That's when I began to believe...Life will be better. God gave me the will and it was up to me, to find the way! So I was off to the big city. Things were looking good. I found a job, started dating, I was happy. Got married. I always "believe" the most beautiful gift you can give to your husband and the world is a child....and so I did, five beautiful wonderful children. I was happy again but along came worries for them, expensive getting them things I never got, my husband built our was getting tight so off I went to work. My only regret now is I didn't spend more time with them, to enjoy them growing up...

Maybe you made mistakes, yet it's not too late. Despite what transpired in your past, God has a bright future in front of you... You have come a long way, but you have further to go. This is your time to receive all of the tremendous blessing's God has for you!

I believe, I truly believe! Mom.

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