"Gave Me the Strength I Need!"

I was having lots of struggles with my job. I have been working there for over 7 years, and just about 8 months ago I became the assistant to a new Director. Within two days of starting, he already gave me a hard time, and told me he already didn't want me as his secretary. He took me to HR for the first time, and I was absolutely frustrated. They gave me 6 months to straighten up, or they were going to relocate me somewhere else, and or leave the job for good. I love, love, love my department. I refuse to leave for someone who doesn't even know me... I was frustrated, and cried every other day, because he made my life a misery. Constant complaining, constantly telling me I wasn't up to his standards... EVEN YELLED AT ME. When my fiance's cousin heard about my frustrations, she gave me this Key Bracelet, and told me that this would come in handy, and she said it would bring you the luck you need, and that all my frustrations will be over... I've worn it for the past 8 months. Constantly prayed as I was going to work, day in and day out. And sure enough... My prayers has been answered, MY BOSS was FIRED... And now I can be happy again, happy to go to work, happy to be at work.. I LOVE everything about my job... But my boss, was pushing me to think of other positions.. thank god, he didn't fire me before hand. Thank god, the power of the Giving Key gave me the STRENGTH I need to stay and stick through it... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
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    Shelby Le Marquand x The Giving Keys #Fearless

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    Jennifer x The Giving Keys #Trust

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