Ripple Effect

I chose to buy a giving key because I needed some encouragement to step out in many areas of my personal/professional life. Today I was getting lunch with one of my favorite professor's! We met at Panera, and upon arrival the cashier seemed very sad. My professor asked her if everything was okay. Then before taking my order the cashier at Panera asked me, "Hey I like your necklace! Where is it from?" It led me to explain the heart behind The Giving Key. She really liked it. I paused for a moment. I felt so strongly to give it to her. I said, "Here, why don't you have it!" As I placed it on her neck, she began to cry and was over joyed! She was so thankful and said "I was having such a bad day! Thank you so much!" She stopped taking our order, walked around where she was standing to give me a hug. I smiled and told her you are fearless! 

I walked away and a stranger enjoying her lunch approached me saying, "Whatever you did, it was really amazing." 

This experience really blessed me because I had another individual in mind to give my necklace to but God had an entirely different person! And it seemed to have a ripple effect within the individuals at Panera!


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