Sunrise Everyday

On July 28th, 2015, the world lost an epic figure. My brother died suddenly in a car accident at the age of 29, leaving behind the loves of his life - his wife and two young sons. 

My brother lived life to the fullest, every moment of each day. He was loud, brash and his humour was mostly inappropriate. However, if you accepted him, he was yours for life. Fix your car, help you get a job, write you the most amazing poem on your wedding day... If you were lucky enough for him to consider you his friend, he would make the time to meet with you anytime, any place. He was truly a one of a kind friend.

There are no words that adequately describe what my brother meant to me and my family, as well as how much we will miss him. Instead, I thought I'd share what he taught me in such a short time, so that everyone can learn from his example.

1) Fight back (or first?) and take no prisoners. Do not care what anybody thinks of you. Be yourself, no matter what and your life will be better.

2) Face everyday pain head on & don't complain.

3) Be adventurous: go fishing, snowboarding, dirt biking.

4) Help others, no matter who they are or what they do in life. I have learned these past few weeks that truckers are the most amazingly generous people.

5) Go big or go home. If you're going to have a campfire, make it really big. Like 6 pallets high big and take bets on which side will topple over first. If you're going to have fireworks, make sure they are the illegal ones from the US.

6) Love the ones you're with. Stick by them and protect them, no matter how rough things get.

7) If you are lucky enough to see a sunrise or a sunset, take 30 seconds or 30 minutes & drink it in. And you're feeling especially sentimental, take a picture and send it to someone you love.


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