So my best friend's dad is a preacher and he is always getting calls to pastor at different churches. He's been with my church for about ten and a half years and has never accepted a call. One day this summer, he got a call from Sharon MBC in Benton, Ar. (I live in Hamburg, Ar. Benton is two and a half hours away.) He felt lead to accept this call and to go to the church. When Alli Jo (his daughter) told me the news, I spent weeks with her hoping she wouldn't have to move away. A few weeks after he had gone to the church and preached there, he told my church his decision. Brother Michael accepted the offer and is now the pastor of Sharon MBC. Their last day here was this Sunday, which was also the last time Brother Michael preached as pastor at Promise Land. That Sunday night, our church had a Fairwell Fish Fry. (I had bought the necklace before he had made the decision to go, but when I bought it I instantly thought of Alli and began crying. The necklace has the word "STRENGTH" on it.) I gave Alli Jo the necklace right before they packed up and drove off. I told her she would need strength more than I would, she was losing all of her friends and church family. She was losing a lot more than I was. I told her to think of me when she wears it, because I will always be with her. We were both crying like babies at that point. But she told me she would and that she loved me. I hugged her neck and said I love you too. I haven't seen her since that night, and it was only 3 days ago, but I miss her so much already. She is my backbone and my best friend. Life is going to be tough without her a mile down the road. But I know God has a plan for her where she is now. God's got this. And that's all that matters.