The Magnitude of Her Strength

In 2012, my best friend/sister-in-law’s mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. For four years she boldly fought her battle with unrelenting courage. Her will to live was resolute while her sense of humor remained in tact. On December 4, 2015 at 2:54 pm she peacefully left this life to begin her journey in a new one. Her daughter, Ashley, was by her side. 

Throughout their journey over the past four years, Ashley has shown kindness, poise and devotion. She juggled work, school, doctor’s appointments and care-giving without ever putting herself first. As the only child to a mother with cancer, she committed herself to caring for her mother and supporting her father without ever having resentment. She displayed the qualities of a person that would make every parent proud. But the one characteristic that made me admire her most was her strength. It was uncompromising and beyond measure. Her mother’s fearlessness, her father’s loyalty and Ashley’s strength were infinite. I am certain that when her mother left this world, her heart was filled with pride.

I decided to give this key to Ashley, not because she needs to embrace this word, but because her strength may now, more than ever, be tested. I hope each time she feels her strength falter, she can grab this key and remember the magnitude of her STRENGTH during this journey of life. 

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