I got my first giving key at the Jesus Culture Los Angeles Conference (JCLA) in the summer of 2015. I chose the word Faith because I had just turned 18 and got out of high school. I knew that as I was going into adulthood and I would go through lots of challenges and bumps in the road. This key was a reminder to myself to be faithful through the trials.
After the conference, I became lonely and depressed. I started to feel very insecure. My relationships were falling apart. I started to become very anxious of the future. I was lost and confused. I experienced stress levels that I haven't even reached in the past. But things changed when I started to have Faith. All of a sudden everything got better. And I was happy again. It's amazing what Faith can do, Faith isn't easy but it makes things possible. I ended off 2015 with joy and a ton of Faith.
I gave my key away to my two best friends, which are sisters. I've been with them since junior high. Out of all the friends that I've had, they've stayed. They are like my own sisters and I love them both so much. They moved this January of 2016. It's sad to see my best friends move, but I'm glad that I've spend my high school experience with them. I wanted to give them my key because I see myself in them. Insecure and Fearful of the future. I want to share the message of FAITH and how faith can conquer fear. I've moved before and it is hard. I want them to be faithful as they move on to this next chapter of their life. Saying good bye was so hard, but I'm glad because I gave them that key. That key got me through a lot and I have faith that it will help them out too.
Ps: I'm probably going to get a new key, but this time I'm putting "BOLD" on it because after Faith comes action... Boldness is a whole different story