The Way Only They Know How

The key I decided to choose long ago was Courage. Courage because that is what I felt in my heart brought me to the place I am today.

After years of abuse, neglect, and a motherless world I needed Courage to become the survivor I am today. Without Courage I would never have decided to become the woman I am today. Courage to love, courage to forgive, courage to strive, courage to live! I am so very blessed in life with a supportive husband and two beautiful daughters I could never ask for more.

Recently, a friend of mine had found some breaking news about her father who has now been recently diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. Although my friend and her father share a distant relationship they still love each other the way they only know how.

I gave her my key knowing that she too will now have to find Courage in this journey her family will now embark. She will have to find Courage" to tell her children about their Grandfather, Courage to tell her father how much she will miss him, and Courage to finally let him go. I love my dear friend and have been blessed with this beautiful gift of the Giving Key to share with her to know I am always with her and support her on this trying journey. 

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