My Old Self

Exactly 61 weeks ago I received the "Courage" key from a friend.

At the time I had just made the difficult decision to get a divorce from my now ex-husband. We had been together since we were 18 and my world as I knew it had fallen apart. I went through abuse, his alcoholism, and finally his affair with a married co-worker.

I am a Christian and a whole swing of emotions filled my mind. Was I letting God down? Am I really strong enough to go through this process? This necklace was exactly what I needed. I wore it every day and when the anxiety or fear got the best of me I would hold onto it and remember that with God I could get through anything.

So now time has passed and through my faith, family, and constant encouragement I can proudly say I made it through. My faith is stronger than ever, I am healthier and happier than I have ever been, and I truly see how God is using me to help other woman who have been through abuse, addiction, and other trials.

I believe that once I finally hit this point God placed a woman named Julee into my life at church. We knew each other through volunteering, but never knew how closely related our situations would become. I see my old self in her. I remember the struggle, the emotions, and the rebuilding you have to do.

Today at our growth group meeting I gave her the necklace and explained that it was time for me to pass the "Courage" along her her. With tears streaming down our faces I saw the direct effect that comes from knowing someone else believes in you. Thank you for creating a product that has the ability to leave such a lasting impact on myself and others. God Bless!

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