How God Moves Us

I purchased a number of Giving Key necklaces for Christmas presents and also kept one for myself. I understood the meaning behind the keys and made sure to tell everyone I gave one to of their significance.

However, if I’m being totally honest, I didn’t intend to give my “Faith” necklace away. I loved it and wanted to keep it, yet give other necklaces away.

A few days ago, I met a woman who finds herself being challenged within this past year. She lost a charitable job; found out her husband was not who she thought he was - he is a con man who also had seven other wives (three to whom he is still married!) and found herself homeless. She had to move in temporarily with her alcoholic and abusive mother and during that time the mom (in a drunken state), called the police as her daughter was trying to help her. Subsequently, she’s temporarily lost custody of her 8-year-old son to the dad who was for years estranged from the child until right before her life was torn apart.

Whew – right?! And that’s the quick version! However through it all this lovely woman’s faith remains intact. She keeps her head held high and is working to make a better life. She’s found better housing, a new job, and is working on getting her young son back. As she was telling me all of this, she kept reminding me that she’s in God’s hands and he will protect her and walk with her through this journey. There’s still a way to go, but she seems on the right path.

As I was leaving our gathering, I felt the need to reaffirm Faith was the “key” to keeping her on track, and without hesitation, lifted the necklace off of my neck and gave it to her. As I said before I had no intention of ever giving it away but I was moved to do so …it’s pretty amazing how God moves us …

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