Sharing What We Have

Today, after many months of holding on to my key, I finally gave it away. I can only tell you that I prayed on the way to work (with my key around my neck) that I would find someone that needed reassurance, and that I would be able to participate in the Pay It Forward challenge. 

Not 30 minutes into my shift, in a moment of divinely inspired clarity, I was introduced to a person who needed my key's message at that very fragile moment. As I took off my necklace, I told her the story of The Giving Keys and how, at 9:22 pm, before I left for work, I had posted on my Facebook wall that I would be looking for my key's intended recipient, and in that moment I knew I was directed to give it to her. There were tears from all of us as I explained what this key and it's message symbolized to me. I encouraged her to hold on to it's message (LET IT BE) and her faith.

When I walked into her room later, I found her peacefully sleeping and the key in her hand. I am providing you this picture, with her permission (and all identifiers covered) in the hopes that it will inspire others to share. Even if you don't have a key, share a smile, a note, a coffee, a hug. It all makes... WE ALL make a difference. Can't wait to order another key. 



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