Ashley Guarrasi x The Giving Keys: #GiftsThatGiveBack

Ashley Guarrasi x The Giving Keys: #GiftsThatGiveBack

What inspires you to give? 
People inspire me to give! There are so many humans and amazing people out there who dedicate their lives to helping those in need and on top of that, are selfless and kind in their work and all that they do. Those people inspire me to be better, do better and give back and help in any way I can. 

What words of encouragement do you want to give others this holiday season?
To keep the faith, believe in yourself and never give up on your dreams and what you stand for. Be thankful every day because each day is truly a gift. Keep the fight. 

What word is on your key? What does it mean to you?
On my key is Fearless. To me, it means stay strong and be brave in everything I do. It helps me have courage in pursuing my dreams and standing up for what’s right. 

Tell us the story of how you have passed on your key or how you plan to pass it on.
I have passed on my key to a friend who has been dealing with loss and trauma, as a reminder to be strong and fearless each day and to trust that everything will be OK.

Why do you want to help end homelessness this holiday?
I want to help end homelessness because we are so truly blessed in this country and if we have the ability in any way, I believe we should help. People in our community without a roof over their heads, warm clothes or food to eat deserve to be blessed as well. 

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