Brenda R Schuck x The Giving Keys #Let Go

I have

Received a Giving Key

With the word


My Story

I lost my son to the disease of addiction. He had struggled for many years in and out of recovery programs but in the end, it took him despite his best efforts. And for me, despite the deep grieving of such a loss, I understood that his death was not about me. I believe that our journeys are intertwined and there was a soul agreement between us that was meant to serve the highest good of each of us. Death at the age of 31 was part of his journey, and mine includes having lost my precious son.

A very wise and dear friend gave me a giving key with the words “Let Go” on it when my son died. One of the ways that I understand grief is that it’s complicated, and it often includes anger, remorse, regret, guilt, sadness and other painful emotions, as well as the joy of living and loving. But we are meant to live. Our loved ones want us to live fully and freely. So, I have been able to let go of the “would of’s, should of’s and could of’s”, and to embrace both peace and pain, at the same time. I have not wanted my grief to prevent my son from moving on to his new experience encumbered by my pain in any way. The lesson for me has been that in letting go, we free not only ourselves from bondage, but we free our loves one who are no longer with us, as well.

I believe that my son has moved on to a plane of existence that is characterized by pure unconditional love, where his soul may continue to evolve in a way that was no longer possible through the human experience. Our connection remains strong and I have been filled with a love that is even greater than anything that I have ever experienced or could imagine.

I am passing this key on to my sister as a symbol of wisdom, strength and courage – whatever it takes - so that she may let go of anything and everything that may be keeping her bound to her addiction to smoking. We are planning a ritual that will include the consecration of this giving key, a Talisman, cleansing and charging it with her intention to let go.

Brenda R Schuck

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