Embrace The Experience

A friend gave me a giving key for my birthday with the word "Inspire." After receiving it, I wore it everyday and received many compliments.

Another friend of mine was going through a lot of personal setbacks and was feeling quite defeated. She decided to spend a year living in various places, which she was able to do because she worked from home. She had traveled to very few places and was so nervous and hesitant.

While getting ready to meet her for dinner before she left, I was putting on my key necklace and, without thinking, I decided that I was going to pass it on to her as a way to encourage her to see the positive and embrace the experience. I gave it to her and told her the story behind the key, and she loved it and felt it was a sign she was making the right decision.

She spent a year abroad and came back as a new person ready to continue her life with a new and positive outlook!


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