Feeling Kyle Close to My Heart

My life was changed forever on September 27, 2017 when my 21 year old son Kyle died when he lost his battle with drug addiction. The outpouring of support from family, friends and our faith community has been beyond what words can adequately describe. Shortly after Kyle’s funeral, after everyone had gone back to their lives, I received my STRENGTH key from Kyle’s former girl friend. I have worn it religiously every day since. I have drawn great STRENGTH from wearing it and feeling STRENGTH/Kyle close to my heart. Touching STRENGTH/Kyle many times throughout my day. It has truly given me the STRENGTH to move forward. 

I’ve decided to pay it forward by giving my STRENGTH key to Kyle’s friend who is also fighting the disease of drug addiction. It is a terrible disease that does not discriminate and takes no prisoners. Since Kyle’s death he has been in rehab twice. Once near death. I pray that he too will draw STRENGTH from wearing it everyday. I pray that it will give him STRENGTH during his times of need and to overcome by feeling STRENGTH close to his heart.

I will miss STRENGTH but know it’s time to pay it forward in a way that Kyle would have done if he were here. 


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