Finding Strength in the Key

On June 6, 2017, my husband of almost 20 years passed away. Shortly thereafter, three of my nieces got together and gave me my key that says STRENGTH. They knew that I am always trying to help the homeless when I'm able. It was a very difficult time and got pretty rough, but I had my key around my neck and held onto it and would rub it when I knew I needed a little extra STRENGTH. The only time I wasn't wearing it was when I was sleeping. My husband was the only child of my in-laws - both of whom were still alive at the time my husband passed.

On August 24, 2017 (less than three months after my husband passed), my father-in-law passed away on my in-laws' 49th wedding anniversary. I really wanted to give my mother-in-law (whom I've always adored) the key the day my father-in-law passed, because I knew how hard of a time it was for her, but I just wasn't quite ready. Well, on Thanksgiving I went pick up my mother-in-law for our first Thanksgiving without our husbands. Thanksgiving was always when we were sure to be together and enjoying turkey and gravy that my husband made. I felt that the time was right on that day, and I gave her the key. We both cried, but it felt like it was the right thing to do at the right time. It has actually given me more STRENGTH knowing that she is finding STRENGTH in the key. I know that she'll give it to someone who needs it at the right time. I'm incredibly thankful for my key, and I tell the story to people and share what a great program you have.

Thank you for doing what you do to help people like me and for those who are trying to transition out of homelessness. 


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