Free With Her Talents And Willing To Share

I was diagnosed with CLL, a type of leukemia, in October, 2016, then in June, 2017, with another diagnosis of Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma. I also had a pituitary tumor along with a few other blood issues.

I felt compelled by the Lord to start a blog because of my journey, hoping that it would encourage others that have been faced with that dreaded "C" word or may be in future. My blog is also about tea.

The lady I bought the key for is a friend I met back when I first got a computer and knew nothing about meeting people online but decided to try. I met her and she lived in Minneapolis, MN, at the time, but soon moved to a city close to me in NC! So we met!

Our lives were almost identical paths even though she is same age as my daughter! So she now lives in MD, but we stay in touch on Facebook. I told her about the idea for the blog and that I wanted it to be a simple little one. This lady started working on this blog and designed a website! My simple blog turned into a website with several pages and I could not believe what I was seeing. She spent countless hours on this website designing it. We texted many times discussing design, colors, fonts – all of the decisions that needed to be made. She would edit and go back to work and voila! It would be changed.

She worked hours upon hours on this blog. She is a go getter for sure! She's in nursing school finishing her degree. She never lets grass grow under her feet. She is a decorator. Her home is constantly being redecorated and by her own hand. She is a tea blender, and can tell you most anything you need to know about tea. She has ghost-written a book and has edited for family and friends. She is so free with her talents and so willing to share with anyone the gifts God has blessed her with!

I could never pay her in dollars for her time, but I thought this Giving Key would be one way I could make a dent in paying it forward to her! I have thanked God many times for sending this lady into my life!


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