George Mwangi x The Giving Keys #Courage

George Mwangi x The Giving Keys #Courage

I have

Received a Giving Key

With the word


My Story

In May 2018 I had gone with a group of friends to Ellijay for a weekend hiking and retreat. On our way back to Atlanta, me and my friend Ryan stopped by Ellijay town for a little 'breather'. We were standing outside a boutique shop when a couple who owned the shop came outside and started chatting with us.

They were also believers. After sharing stories and testimonies, the couple whispered to each other some words that I couldn't hear. The lady then came to me and told me that my story had really encouraged them to trust in the Lord more and that they wanted to bless me. They requested me to come inside the shop and pick whatever I wanted. That was a pretty big offer!

The shop had some pretty expensive items; clothes, shoes and gifts. I could have picked anything but after a silent prayer asking God what He wanted me to get, He highlighted a neck chain with a key written 'COURAGE'. My heart resonated with the key as I had received a few prophetic words from different people during that season on being courageous. "The Lord is putting words of encouragement in your heart but you will need to be bold and share" someone had told me.

A week later, I attended a small church gathering that one of my friends had started. He had an 'open mic' session during the service where he would encourage anyone to share whatever the Lord was putting in their heart. I received a prophetic word that I was afraid to share but after hesitating for a couple of minutes, I remembered the COURAGE key I had received and went for the mic.

We had never shared communion before in that service but I felt like the Lord was encouraging me to tell the leader to consider introducing communion as part of the service. As soon as I finished sharing, he got up and said that he had actually brought communion that day and that he was just about to serve it right before I spoke. He took it as confirmation because the Lord had put in his heart that morning to bring communion. I now share often : )

George Mwangi

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