Giving Her Peace

Several years ago, my friend Debbie K gifted me the PEACE Giving Key. At the time, both of my parents were fighting cancer. It was a tumultuous, scary time. She knew that I needed that key with her sweet words of comfort. I have not passed it on, but today I went to a Christmas luncheon, my friend Judy S was there. She had just laid her mother to rest, she was the primary caregiver and she was with her when she passed. Judy is always the first one to give encouragement and praise to everyone around her. She is truly a giver. But today, I could sense her struggle. She was trying to be that Judy, trying to give as she always does, but we shared a moment, I could see the tears in her eyes, and feel the struggle in her heart. I want her to know, she is important. .she is kind.. and with time the pain eases some. So I am giving her my PEACE key.

I hope she finds comfort in my words, that she knows it is okay to mourn and not be everything to everyone all the time. That her mother is so proud of the woman she has become. And that one day she will be able to pass her PEACE on to someone else who is just as lovely as she is. Love you, Judy!  


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