Heal Another Heart

Almost a year ago, my 17 year old son Seth, began having a lot of health problems. The symptoms were those of liver cancer. He had tests done to rule out gall bladder stones, and by Christmas, it was discovered his liver was enlarged. I have had a past of fear and anxiety that God has delivered me from; however, when scary life situations arise, I still need to be reminded of His overcoming power and peace. Seth had a Giving Key especially made for me that said, "God >Trials".

We did eventually find out that though he did not have gall stones, he did have a diseased gall bladder and it was removed! Praise the Lord it was not cancer. This key was a constant reminder to me on rough days that God truly is greater than any problem or trial I could have. I am going through nursing school right now at middle age, and have many times held that key close throughout tests. I recently mentioned to two people, on separate occasions, that the key is too priceless to ever pay it forward. But God tested me recently.

We were in a special church service, and a 17 year old girl who recently lost her father unexpectedly was at the altar praying and struggling. I was praying with her, and God told me to give her my key. At first, I felt like I couldn't do it. But God told me that I had been blessed and still had the son that gave the key to me, but she no longer had her dad. I passed my key on to her and told her when the healing is done, and she no longer needs it, to pass it on. The smile on her face was priceless!

I still miss the key sometimes, but I am thankful that God is using it to heal another heart. It is amazing that a small gift such as these keys, can make such a big difference!


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