I recently found The Giving Keys and have bought (and LOVE) several necklaces. One day I went to yoga class. I found my young instructor and I were the only two that showed up. Class is supposed to be cancelled in this case but she was going through something difficult and I happened to have two cold beers in my car. (And my hope lariat necklace on).
So she asked if we could sit in the Zen lounge and chat awhile, and I offered to bring in the cold ones! So we sat, and I listened, and offered her encouragement. She noticed my necklace and said that hope is her favorite word. I said it seemed like a good one for what she was dealing with. Then I took off my necklace, and handed it over. I said that I thought she needed a reminder for hoping love would survive, more than I did at the time! (I've been married now 36 years to my favorite human so my hope in love is strong right now!)
This kind of letting go of material things to others who either need or even sometimes they have taken from me...is how I live more freely. Every time I do so, I feel lighter and joy filled. She has the necklace now, her love and she have strengthened their bond as it turns out - so hope did not disappoint.