Jennie Chang x The Giving Keys #Strong

I have

Gifted a Giving Key

With the word


My Story

My name is Jennie. I am an addict; I love to teach. I can teach all the time. I teach students to process and think and question and discuss. I use Financial Algebra (basically I teach seniors about financial topics in life like budgeting, taxes, insurance, student loans, credit and debt) to get my message across.

The senior class of the post-Covid school year are students whose last full-year school year was back when they were Freshmen. What should otherwise be their best year in their high school journey is instead a year where Seniors are desperately looking for a safe place to be seen - as kids who are feeling lost and are craving empathy, companionship, and affirmation.

A key bearing the word STRONG was gifted to me during a time when I had to find the strength for me and my two boys to leave an abusive home. The proverbial village helped me raise my boys in a safe environment, and the God I love literally dropped me into my new life direction - teaching high school.

Last week, while getting ready for my 6am commute to school, I placed that faithful necklace around my neck and was immediately overwhelmed with the certainty that I AM STRONG.

6 hours later, during a meeting with of my seniors, I took off my key and clasped it around her neck. The ironic truth was that, while she had the financial ability to gift 1,000 keys, she would never have given herself a word nor would she have been able to pick her word.

I wished I had a Word on a key to gift my students so that they can have a physical reminder to what is already their truth. Perhaps one day I will find a way to garner enough financial resource to make such a purchase. In the meantime, I am deeply grateful of the vision of one that has created the opportunity for the encouragement of so many. I commit to living by my word and seeking out new word for myself.

Jennie Chang

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