LET GO and Strut Like Naomi Campbell

I wore my LET GO key for about a year as I anticipated and went through my divorce. It kept me focused, strong, and grounded as I went through the process and dealt with the opposing party. Strength, I never knew existed. I saw my key like an American Express card and I never left home without it. I actually enjoyed wearing it everyday. Divorce can be a totally different experience for each individual so I'm glad I got through it. Life is beautiful.

With the key, I was to wear it until I embraced the words on it and then give it to someone in need of it. Needless to say, I stopped wearing it over a year ago but still held on to it until I found someone 'worthy' enough to give it to. That's how much I loved it.

I am happy to say that I found a recipient (she is going through a very tough divorce) for my key and I presented it to her at a Women's Empowerment Conference!! I told her to wear the key every day and along with prayer, she will get through it. Embrace the words and she will be fine. There is a fabulous future waiting for her if she just LET GO. I saw this woman walk in the conference one way but left a totally different woman! As I stood in the hallway after the conference, I saw her come out of the bathroom and she had this Naomi Campbell strut like I've never seen and she told me, "I'm going to hold my head high" and strutted straight out of the hotel! Yaaasss Sista!! My God!! 


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