Mingyu x The Giving Keys #Believe

Mingyu x The Giving Keys #Believe

I have

Gifted a Giving Key

With the word


My Story

In the midst of one of the most challenging times in human history, you believed in me and gave me the opportunity to learn, grow, and keep dreaming. COVID-19 disrupted my summer plans and employment in 2021. After the pandemic started in early 2020, I came back home and spent my second year of law school in Korea. Needless to say, taking online classes in a different time zone was challenging. 5am classes became my routine.

I lost my work and life balance as a result of burnout and sleep deprivation, and I struck out at OCI. Faced with fears of unemployment, I lost self confidence. During this time of challenges, you stepped up to advocate for me and teach me. You got me through one of the most difficult times in my life. I can confidently say that I observed and learned from the best.

I enjoyed the opportunity to observe oral arguments, research novel areas of law, and draft bench briefs and an order. I learned the valuable lessons: that there may be no answers to complex legal issues and that what appeared in courts is not necessarily a settled law. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have you as a mentor.

Thank you for all of the hard but necessary lessons that you have taught me. Now, I've regained a faith in myself due to your support and encouragement. I hope this key reminds you that you helped me BELIEVE in myself. And, someday, when you’re so moved, it would be great if you pass it forward to another intern you really BELIEVE in. Thank you, Judge Doyle.

Mingyu Jun

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