Reminder To Stay Brave

I found out about The Giving Keys through some friends, and I love everything about the company from mission statement to the Pay It Forward gift to others. I manage a small boutique where we work with the keys everyday. I am always inspired by our guests and the stories they share when purchasing The Giving Keys. The owner of our business gave each of us a key and once we embraced our word, we were to give it to one of our guests who could use it more than us.

Early one Saturday morning I had one of my frequent guests stop in to the store and after asking how her morning was going, she said "I just need something happy in my life since my Mother just passed." I knew she would be the one I would share my story and key with. I lost my Dad close to 10 years ago when I was in my early 20's, and my key was BRAVE. Even though at this time in my life the word BRAVE applied to me differently, I remember so clearly how I felt initially when losing a parent. How feeling lost, sad, lonesome and hopeless was something I struggled with daily. I gifted her my key saying "no matter how and at what age you lose a parent it can be so very hard, I hope you wear this key as a reminder to stay BRAVE during this difficult time."

She embraced her key, we shared some tears, hugged, and then both went on with the rest of our Saturday. The connection we made that day will never be forgotten, and the impact she will have on another person someday will be lasting. To me, that is what The Giving Keys are all about.


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