I remember getting my Giving Key. It was right around my birthday and one of my closest friends gave it to me. She chose BREATHE for me as a reminder to stop and take a deep breath to help me get through each day.
It was given to me at a time when my world was turned upside down and sent me down a path I so desperately wanted to avoid. At the time, my mom had been listed on the transplant list, and I was caring for her. We would spend the next three years in and out of the hospital, waiting for a call that, sadly, we never received. My mom lost her battle with liver disease on March 31st of 2016.
I brought this necklace with me whenever we were in the hospital. I even had my mom wear it at times that she needed comfort. If I wasn't wearing it, it was in my wallet, or purse – never far. It became symbolic in some way. Something as simple as a key was giving me the strength and courage to keep going and to BREATHE.
When I was given my key, it came with a card that said, "Give this key away to someone when they need it more than you."
I have never felt the need to give it away until now.
My dear friend received a heartbreaking call last week, and she is embarking on a similar path as I did with my mom. Her world has been forever changed, and know that she needs it more than me. I hope that it will be as comforting to her, as it has been for me.
I encourage her to carry it with her, as she carries the strength and courage and love for her mom. And I hope it serves as a reminder to BREATHE.