I bought my Breathe key, several years ago, during a particularly turbulent time in my life. Some days I felt like the world was crashing down and I didn't know how to stop it or change it. I got the key to remind myself to stay in the moment and let go of some of the stress, anger and confusion.
A close family member was struggling and I couldn't make it better and I was having health issues. I tried to take one minute at a time and keep breathing. It's hard when you want to help and you can't.
I got the health issues under control and the family member finally, of his own accord, sought help for his addiction. Things are better now and I have a new Strength key to remind myself that I am strong.
The Breathe key is on it's way to a co-worker that is having health issues of her own. A simple procedure turned into something much worse and she is struggling with the aftermath. I hope the key reminds her to stay in the moment and let go of some of the stress. I don't know her well but I hope this simple gesture makes her feel like someone cares.