Story Of Victory

I purchased a key for myself when I was laid off in September 2015 as my reminder to never give up HOPE. As a single mom with no family in the US this was a very scary time for me. I experienced the feeling of hope many times in this season and realized that next to LOVE, it is the best feeling in this world!

Days when fear krept in with thoughst of "what if we loose everything?" - looking at the necklace reminded me to press forward and trust and believe good will come of this. I knew that if I just kept believing that the right door will open and we will ok. Hope gave me the strength to look beyond what seemend visible to the eye.

With this confidence I decided to brign HOPE to others and I went to East Asia on a mission trip in June serving in an orphanage with kids with special needs. HOPE was all around me in their eyes and hearts.

When I returned God opened the door. Close to one year of not working, I never gave up hoping for things to turn around and they did. I am starting my new job 8/22. It is time to pass on HOPE! 

I have 2 beautiful daughters who loved and encouraged me always. My oldest has 3 kids and just had the courage to walk away from a toxic and abusive relationship with the father of her children. She made many attempts but fear of failure took her back to her relationship, yet nothing changed.

Now here she is - taking a step forward, a brave and scary thing to do. I am giving this key to her as a reminder to never ever give up HOPE no matter how bad things seem in the natural. We know it will be hard at times but HOPE will give her the strenght to keep going and soon she too will be abe to give this key to someone and tell her story of victory.


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