The Person I Want To Be

I ordered 5 giving keys, 6 months ago. I give each of my best friends one (breathe, create, & courage) and my cousin who is recovering from a terrible accident (strength). I kept the word inspire for myself. One of my goals in life was to help inspire others. I loved that key, I had it everywhere I went to remind me of the person I wanted to be. Maybe that's crazy but it was my encouragement.

While having this key, I met the love of my life. I've also discovered new things about myself. For awhile I felt lost at my work, and then became re-inspired to get back to old roots and foundations. Time has passed and I haven't felt as connected to my word as I once did. This I didn't see as a bad thing but as a sign that it was time to pass it on.

I have a co-worker who has recently rejoined are team. I don't believe she is very close with God, and I see her working so hard to better herself. I left the key for her at her work station. I thought maybe if she discovered this key, she'll also discover her own inspiration for life. I hope it's a blessing for her and leads her to see her own self worth.


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