To Be The Strength

To Be The Strength

When I purchased my Giving Key about 2 weeks ago I never dreamed I would give it away so soon. Life is funny that way I suppose.

My son is a 23-year-old addict who is in county jail at this time. It is heartbreaking for a mom to visit her child in jail however my word "hope" says it all. As long as he is alive, there is always HOPE and I firmly believe that.

While leaving the jail last night I met another mom visiting her son. The pain she was in was palpable. I stopped and talked to her and she told me the story of her daughter who had passed away under suspicious circumstances while on vacation in Chicago. She said she cannot move on, she does not want to live and has done dangerous things such as drink and drive because she just did not care about her life anymore. She has 3 sons and one is only 11 years old but she said, she just cannot get past this.

In the first minute of talking to her, I took my Giving Key from around my neck and put it around hers. We then talked for over an hour in a jail parking lot. I gave her my card with my cell phone number on the back. I asked her to call me if she was drinking anywhere and needed a ride, I don't care where she is, I will pick her up so that another mother doesn't end up in the same pain because she lost her child due to a drunk driver. I am a pretty strong person but when others are in pain, I admittedly lose it right along with them.

Last night I was able to hold it together in order to be the strength this woman needed. She didn't need me crying over her life, she needed to tell her story and needed me to hear it. I told her that when she is hurting and thinks life isn't worth living to look at that key and know that there is always HOPE.

My new friend called me this morning and left me a voice mail. She said, "last night I didn't even give you my name, it's Bonita".

I really believe the key she now has might just save her life.


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